We’re excited to introduce you to the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan for San Francisco Village (SFV). A map for our organizational future and who we hope to become. It is the result of a long and vigorous journey that started just before the lockdown in early 2020.
Amid confusion and uncertainty at that time, SFV members, staff, board, and volunteers took quick action and learned new ways to stay connected, resourced, and safe. A few months later, George Floyd was murdered and Black Lives Matter protests erupted around the world. SFV responded in solidarity and felt compelled to begin an examination of what it means to be a predominantly white organization in a white dominant culture. The strategic plan is born from that honest self-reflection and desire for an inclusive community that represents all San Franciscans, across race, culture, gender, and ability.
In the course of this two-year journey, we have reaffirmed our commitment to connecting older San Franciscans to the community, resources, and expertise they need to navigate the transitions of aging in a changing world. At the same time, we are making explicit our commitment to equity: a bigger vision that includes people of all ages, races, cultures, and abilities working together to create a community of belonging and in so doing, demonstrate possibilities for relationship and connection that benefit the greater good.
Rooted in shared values, the Strategic Plan provides all of us with a framework for decision-making as we carry out the work of San Francisco Village. The ways we connect and communicate, the programs and services we develop, the partnerships we engage in, and the things we stand for.
Strategic Plans are aspirational. In order to make it manifest, we will need your partnership and support. Please review the Plan and let us know how you want to contribute to expanding this vital web of connection and care.
Grateful to be in community with you.