San Francisco Village, Author at San Francisco Village - Page 11 of 13

Membership Changes Lives: Here’s How

Here at San Francisco Village, we create a vibrant, active space where aging San Franciscans can live independently and thrive. Membership means different things to different people, and our activities and localized community have changed the lives of many. Here’s...

KALW – City Visions: Aging in Place

Listen to the radio program online. Aging Baby Boomers are an exploding demographic, and by 2060 that population is expected to double in size as people are living longer. What options and opportunities are available to seniors who wish to age in place? What are the...

Senior Planet: The Village Model: A Neighborly Way To Age In Place

Written by Linda Abbit, Senior Planet We all want to be independent and in control of our lives for as long as possible—preferably until the day we die. But independence doesn’t always pan out; illness or injury can strike suddenly and make life alone impractical. And...